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Restigouche RC Raceway: Summer Series: Race 3

Restigouche Raceway held their 3rd race on August 14, 2021. There was a threat of rain that kept attendance down, but it was a perfect day for racing! Trevor: “All done and not a drop…

2021 RedClay RC Offroad Summer Series: 5

The Redclay club held its 5th offroad race on august 8, 2021. In addition to the standard race format, Kevin Cake organized the Maritime Madness Hot Sauce Race!  Fun was had by the racers! 2wd…

2021 Shady Pines RC Speedway: Summer Race #3

The Fredericton RC Race club held their  3rd club race on August 7, 2021. The race was attended by a group of dedicated racers, with the race following the maritime championships. 1/10 4wd Buggy A-Main:…

2021 Maritime RC Racing: RedClay Rumble

The RedClay RC Racing Club held the RedClay Rumble on July 11, 2021 at the Great Hobbies offroad track which is located behind the Great Hobbies location in Stratford, PEI. The race actually had to…

2021 BlackFly RC Summer Race #2

Blackfly held their 2nd race of the offroad season on July 3rd, 2021. With this race the border between Quebec and New Brunswick had opened and there was a large turnout of 18 racers with…